GOAL 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

SDG Progress and Industry Notes


The 2017 Report of the Secretary-General on Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, notes that “[i]n recent decades, the world has experienced unprecedented urban growth. In 2015, close to 4 billion people — 54 per cent of the world’s population — lived in cities and that number is projected to increase to about 5 billion people by 2030. Rapid urbanization has brought enormous challenges, including growing numbers of slum dwellers, increased air pollution, inadequate basic services and infrastructure, and unplanned urban sprawl, which also make cities more vulnerable to disasters. Better urban planning and management are needed to make the world’s urban spaces more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. As of May 2017, 149 countries were developing national-level urban policies.”

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Goal 11 will be reviewed during the 2018 HLPF.

Industry Notes

Sustainable cities are important for sustainable development and for business operations but for market growth for the Apparel sector. The upside to investing in sustainable cities was summarized by the Business and Sustainable Development Commission: “Business opportunities in the implementation of the SDGs related to cities could be worth over $3.7 trillion annually for the private sector by 2030. Investment required to achieve these opportunities is approximately $2.5 trillion per year. -These 16 opportunities could also generate almost 170 million jobs by 2030, which represents around 5 percent of the forecasted labour force. -More than half of the value of the opportunities, and over 85 percent of the potential job creation, is located in developing countries. That includes roughly 49 million jobs in China, 32 million jobs in Africa and 22 million jobs in India.”

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“By 2030, two thirds of the world will live in cities. The world’s 12 largest city areas are each home to over 15 million people, and over the last 25 years, cities such as Delhi, Shanghai and Beijing have tripled in size. A vision for cities has never been more important than it is today. More than half of the world’s inhabitants live in cities and this migration trend is expected to continue. By 2050 more than two-thirds of the world will be urban dwellers. India alone is expected to double the number of city dwellers by adding 404 million new people to cities over the next 35 years…Therefore, it will be under the auspices of cities where we will succeed or fail in achieving our goals of poverty eradication, equality, climate change reduction, and ensuring healthy lives. It will be the cities that determine if we achieve inclusive economic growth or yield to greater inequality. It is in cities where people will seek opportunities for higher education and employment. And, it will be cities that determine if we will continue our steadily increasing usage of the world’s resources or if we can realize a more sustainable path.” UN Chronicle

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