GOAL 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries

SDG Progress and Industry Notes


The 2017 Report of the Secretary-General on Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, notes that “[p]rogress in reducing inequality within and among countries has been mixed. The voices of developing countries still need to be strengthened in decision making forums of international economic and financial institutions. Moreover, while remittances can be a lifeline for families and communities of international migrant workers in their countries of origin, the high cost of transferring money continues to reduce such benefits.”

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SDG 10 will be reviewed at the 2019 HLPF.

Industry Notes

Rising inequality, including income inequality, is on the rise and tops most global risk barometers. The most recent World Economic Forum’s annual global risks report ranked rising income and wealth disparity, and increasing polarisation of sectors of society, as first and third among the underlying trends that will determine the shape of the world in the next decade. Apparel and Textiles can help advance this goal through the enforcement of policies and practices that ensure human rights are protected, fair wages are paid, and discriminatory practices are eliminated. To learn more, see resources under SDG 8, SDG 10 and SDG 12.

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